If you are passionate about changing the community conversation on this topic, and want to support our work in any way, please reach out to us!
Current Sponsorship Opportunities: - Dedicate a Future Printing of Reclaiming Dignity - $1,000-$15,000 We are looking for individuals or organizations to help us cover the costs associated with producing and printing future printings of Reclaiming Dignity. The book can be dedicated in the merit or memory of your loved one, with their name on a personalized dedication page. There is B"H enormous demand for the book, and we are dedicated to keeping down the store price so that it remains affordable. Crucially, the financial model for printing Jewish books of this size makes this an entirely non-profit venture. We are happy to share more information with anyone interested in partnering with us. Please contact us for details. - Dedicate the Companion Website - $5,000 We are looking to develop an exciting companion website with dynamic, interactive, and timely content, that will help us continue the conversation! This website can be dedicated in the merit or memory of your loved one, with their name on the homepage. - Dedicate the Curriculum - $1,000-$15,000 Ther has been a lot of demand for a companion curriculum for Reclaiming Dignity. The curriculum can be dedicated in the merit or memory of your loved one, with their name on the cover or a dedication page. You can also support our publishing and marketing efforts by donating any amount using the donate button below. |
Help us reach our goal!